Monday, May 10, 2010

15 Seconds: Pee-Wee Makeover

These shoes are a little extreme! I get that the type of guy who wears this wants to stand out, but there are better ways of doing that. Instead of pedestrians turning their heads in disapproval, you want them to double take your clothes wishing only they found it first. Please, keep your metallics for your watch and cuff links.

- Your Style Guy


  1. G'day Keith,
    Why let other people who "turn their heads in disapproval" interfere with or influence the joy you can get from expressing yourself?

    I understand some people's need to subscribe to rules for fear of standing out, but it depends on the individual.

    I like the shoes and the way they're put together in the image used.

    In fact, I'll probably try to replicate it on a significantly lower budget!

  2. If these shoes make you happy, go buy them. Good luck to you, Sherief.
