Friday, June 11, 2010


BY KEITH KIRSNER Charles Barkley said it - now I'm repeating it. C'mon Michael! What in the world were you thinking? In the new Hanes commercial, Jordan sports a tiny chopstache that only two people in the world are recognized with this signature mustache; Charlie Chaplin and I’m sure you can guess the other. No other person should ever attempt to pull this off! Here’s what Barkley said in regard to MJ’s new mustache:

"I have got to admit when I saw that commercial I had to take a double take... That is one of the stupidest things that I have seen in a long time. First of all, I can't believe that they let that commercial get on the air like that. I mean in making commercials, they have got little ladies there making sure the cheese is right. When I am shooting the Taco Bell commercial they have got this little woman making sure that every cinnamon twist and every piece of cheese is in order and now they let my man get on TV with that terrible mustache. I was totally in shock and just, I just can't believe that. That is really not good at all."

- Your Style Guy

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