You get out of the cab and you wonder, 'Is this going to be worth it?' You try and follow the line, but it runs around the corner. 'I don't know about this.' You stroll to the end and wait. Then you wait a little more. You check out the time and then you wait some more. What will it take for you to get in? Or should I say, what is the price of you getting in? You see that half an hour has passed and now you're anxious. You're still in the same damn spot! What is going on!? As your friends hold your spot, you check out the front of the line. People are talking to the bouncer, offering money to buy bottles and a table, and of course, a little something extra to help him remember them for next time. You see people cutting, girls flying right in, and a clip board the bouncer is holding. You're wondering, 'Do I need to be on that damn list too now!?"
Let me tell you something about lines. Lines are an illusion. They're there to allow those you want in and leave out those you don't. Ask yourself, do you really want to be somewhere where they have that kind of authority over you? What a waste of time. Lines are for suckers.
- Your Style Guy