Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Standing in Line

You get out of the cab and you wonder, 'Is this going to be worth it?' You try and follow the line, but it runs around the corner. 'I don't know about this.' You stroll to the end and wait. Then you wait a little more. You check out the time and then you wait some more. What will it take for you to get in? Or should I say, what is the price of you getting in? You see that half an hour has passed and now you're anxious. You're still in the same damn spot! What is going on!? As your friends hold your spot, you check out the front of the line. People are talking to the bouncer, offering money to buy bottles and a table, and of course, a little something extra to help him remember them for next time. You see people cutting, girls flying right in, and a clip board the bouncer is holding. You're wondering, 'Do I need to be on that damn list too now!?"

Let me tell you something about lines. Lines are an illusion. They're there to allow those you want in and leave out those you don't. Ask yourself, do you really want to be somewhere where they have that kind of authority over you? What a waste of time. Lines are for suckers.

- Your Style Guy

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

At the Gym: Germs Be Gone

BY ROBERT ESSIG We all know the saying; ‘Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.’ Well when it comes to the gym, keep your spotters close and keep your hand sanitizer closer. Gyms are an excellent place for germs to survive due to the warm moist environment. The amount of people who work out during the day, makes it so easy for germs to be spread to all corners of the gym. With the recent case of H1N1, many gyms started to put more hand sanitizers dispensers to help fight the virus. Alcohol based sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol is highly recommended. As for the proper amount to use, roughly the size of a quarter, and it should take about 30seconds to dry once rubbed in your hands. Anything less than that can diminish the effects.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Beer Soap

BY KEITH KIRSNER For all you beer lovers out there, now you don't have to wait for happy hour to get your fix. With 95 varieties of beer soap, the Beer Soap Company will have your favorites lined up for you to get clean and ready to start your day off right. Try something sweet like Choc Bock Beer Soap, made with Sam Adams Limited Release Chocolate Bock. Or maybe something more nutritious is more your style; Wells Banana Nut Bread Beer. And not only is Presidente Dominican Lager a delicious beer, it also smells great in this soap of beer. Try one of your favorites ...

- Your Style Guy

Saturday, June 26, 2010


BY STEPHEN CONROY With the World Cup heating up faster than the temperature outside, it's time to look cool this summer by wearing the colors of the nation you're supporting. Unlike the eyesores that were soccer jerseys in the 1990's. Both Nike and Adidas have done a tremendous job in designing jerseys perfect for the summer months. Nearly every team in the 2010 World Cup has a fashionable design and have also incorporated the lightest possible materials to make the jersey comfortable to wear even on the sunniest of summer days.

My advice to you, is to proudly wear the the colors of the team you support. In a place like New York, even if you're wearing the pinstripes of France or the orange of the Dutch people will respect and may even applaud your decision to boldly show your colors.

Of course, you can always support the USA by wearing their 2010 jersey. It is an unbelievably sharp jersey whether you decide on blue or white.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Q & A: Can I wear socks with my boat shoes?

Yes and no. With pants, feel free to go with or without. If you are a sock guy, make sure it’s anything but white. Shorts is an easy one. Unless you want to look like Grandpa with knee-high’s and a cane, rock it sockless.

- Your Style Guy

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Go Ahead: Timberland Earthkeepers Boat Shoe

BY KEITH KIRSNER This season grab yourself a pair of boat shoes. They’re great for the weekend and scream casual and relaxed while having that preppy American attitude. What keeps these boat shoes looking fresh is the sole. A mix of sneakers and boat shoes make this shoe a new and updated style. There is no heal which separates you from the ones your Father wears. These shoes are also eco-friendly with Timberland’s new line of Earthkeepers. The outsole is made from 42% recycled materials. Keeps the earth cleaner, keeps your feet more comfortable and stylish. This is an easy one; just get 'em.

Earthkeepers® 2.0 Boat Shoe
Price: $89.95

- Your Style Guy

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Most Interesting Man on Packages

Pay attention:

Enough said...

- Your Style Guy

Thursday, June 17, 2010

To the Last Drop

So you just got off work, long commute home, you’re exhausted, but you’ve somehow managed to make yourself some dinner. Now, you have an exciting night ahead of you with more work separating, cleaning, drying, and hanging; laundry that is. You open the door and put your first load into the washing machine and as you bend down to lift the bottle of detergent, you realize in sheer disappointment that the bottle is weightless. What to do now? Go to the store and buy some more of course. But before the inevitable, don’t recycle that bottle just yet! I bet you your next bottle of detergent you can still get that first load done with just a drop of soap left in the bottle. Turn on the water on the washing machine and unscrew the cap. Put open bottle under the running water until about filled about halfway. Put the cover back on and SHAKE! Then open the bottle and pour back into the wash. Repeat. You’ll be surprised of the bubble bath of soap pouring out of the spout. You’ll be shocked just how much detergent lies within the handle of the bottle! Just a little tip that goes a long way…

- Your Style Guy

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bigger Biceps

BY ROBERT ESSIG Need help building larger biceps? Try this exercise everyday to help the process; Close-Grip-Chin-Ups are a great way to help build your muscles. Biceps are the secondary muscle during the chin up exercise, except you’re using such a large amount of weight during the process. For example, I am 155lbs, the max I can curl standing up is 50lbs. That puts me at a 100lbs max for my curl. Now when I do a normal chin up, I’m now putting an extra 55lbs of stress on my biceps as I’m pulling my body up. It’s a great way to help getting that extra push you need to get those biceps to bulge!

Friday, June 11, 2010


BY KEITH KIRSNER Charles Barkley said it - now I'm repeating it. C'mon Michael! What in the world were you thinking? In the new Hanes commercial, Jordan sports a tiny chopstache that only two people in the world are recognized with this signature mustache; Charlie Chaplin and I’m sure you can guess the other. No other person should ever attempt to pull this off! Here’s what Barkley said in regard to MJ’s new mustache:

"I have got to admit when I saw that commercial I had to take a double take... That is one of the stupidest things that I have seen in a long time. First of all, I can't believe that they let that commercial get on the air like that. I mean in making commercials, they have got little ladies there making sure the cheese is right. When I am shooting the Taco Bell commercial they have got this little woman making sure that every cinnamon twist and every piece of cheese is in order and now they let my man get on TV with that terrible mustache. I was totally in shock and just, I just can't believe that. That is really not good at all."

- Your Style Guy

Thursday, June 10, 2010

New Vintage

A new way of sporting a vintage look this summer is with ‘sun-faded’ garments. Instead of tears and rips in your jeans, short, shirts, and collars – it’s all in the color and wear of clothes. Now there’s no need to buy that detergent promising to keep your colors bright like the day you got them. Now clothes come with a look that you have hand washed these clothes and hung them out to dry in the sun. So don't be afraid to indulge in this look...

- Your Style Guy

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

15 Seconds: White Socks & Dress Shoes

BY KEITH KIRSNER Well this is something I can’t stress enough. I’m sure you’ve seen it and eeked of fear as to what was going on in the mind of that guy dressing himself this morning. And the strong possibility was that he wasn’t thinking. This is something that can ruin your whole outfit! Never, ever, for any reason should you be wearing white socks with dress shoes. This is one of those rules that will never go out of style because this look was NEVER in style. So please here me loud and clear: NO white socks with your dress shoes!

- Your Style Guy

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What to Wear: Hosting Your BBQ

Summer's almost here and with the warmer weather, bbq's are part of the territory. When having guests over, you want to set the tone and wear something comfortable. By doing that, it will make your guests feel comfortable. Being overdressed at your own party, in your own house will make your friends and family question what your intentions are. It is your party - dress casual - have fun - and make sure there's plenty of beer in the cooler.

- Your Style Guy

Monday, June 7, 2010

Astronaut, Bee Keeper, or Camper Joe?

BY KEITH KIRSNER For all you campers out there, here’s something different. Now you can roast those marshmallows and still be toasty warm in this one of a kind – revolutionary form-fitting design sleeping bag. You can now stand, move, reach and sleep comfortably without ever leaving your bag.

Sleeping Bag

- Your Style Guy

Friday, June 4, 2010

Q & A: What’s Up With That?

What’s the deal with people wearing their watches on the inside of their wrists?

It’s a matter of preference, but this is part of a passing trend. Some people say they wear it on the inside to protect the watch from getting damaged while others prefer to show off the band more. I like to wear my watches traditionally as intended.

- Your Style Guy

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sales Tax in New York

For those that are still confused by the issue or didn't know already:

As of August 1, 2009, New York City Sales tax increased to 8.875%. Clothing under $110 will remain tax free. Clothing above $110 will be taxed.

Now you know...

- Your Style Guy

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

New Plates – Old Look

If you’ve been on the road, you’ve probably noticed by now NY plates have a different look. New York State introduced NEW “Empire Gold” Vehicle Plates on April 1st, 2010. They got themselves a tune up after over 30 years of white and blue, they went back to their retro colors for a vintage look. They look very similar to plates generated in the 70’s. It’s too bad you can’t exchange them for the plates of the 80’s and 90’s with the classic Statue of Liberty symbol in the middle of the plate! What was the reasoning behind this madness? According to the DMV:

"The plan to require all current vehicle registrants to obtain new license plates when their registrations expire has been cancelled. This means you will not be required to purchase new plates when you renew your registration.

While the mandatory reissuance of license plates has been canceled, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) began to issue new Empire Gold (blue and gold) vehicle plates in place of the current Empire (blue and white) plates on April 1, 2010. Even though Empire (blue and white) plates will still be valid, those plates will no longer be issued by the DMV when current stocks are gone."

In a Press Release, Commissioner Swarts says, "We are proud of the retro design of the new Empire Gold plate and we are pleased to offer it to the motoring public."

For more information about renewing your registration and frequently asked questions regarding these new plates, click here.

- Your Style Guy

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

At the Gym: The 3 S-Cuses

BY ROBERT ESSIG We’ve all been there before; We made it through the long morning, breezed through lunch, and as the day comes to an end we find a excuse not to go to the gym. "I'll skip tonight and work twice as hard tomorrow!" Follow that approach and you’ll forget what your gym looks like. The following three excuses (s-cuses) are the only ones I personally allow. The 3 S-Cuses: Sick, Sore & Sleepy. Of the three, I can give excuses for two of them as reasons why I can still go.

Sick: Well this is the one that no matter what, you need to accept it, stay home and rest! Overdoing it when you’re sick only leads to more headaches down the line.

Sore: Well if your muscles are sore from a previous workout then you won't be able to push yourself to the levels you need to reach to help build muscle. So you say you can take today off, huh? Well if your chest hurts, what about your legs? This is where I feel you can work around this problem. There are five major areas to workout. If one is sore, most likely one of the other four are not. Problem fixed!

Sleepy: This one affects probably every person in the world at some point during the day. Imagine an eight hour work day followed by rushing to catch the subway and then a train to sit down for forty-five minutes before your stop. Chances are you’re drifting into a light sleep cycle. Feel like quitting now do you? Well actually going to the gym can help increase your blood pressure, get your metabolism going and help wake you up! After the first set, you’ll have your energy back and you’ll be able to finish your workout.

Remember these guidelines the next time you feel like skipping on the gym…