Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Smell Like a Man

BY EITAN BRAHAM I love the sweet and soft smell of a woman just as much as the next guy. The way their hair smells like flowers and their skin like honey. Naturally women smell better than men since they have fewer sweat glands, however, the flowers and honey aroma are far from natural. Sorry to break it to you guys, but it comes from a bottle. I’m sure many of you that have shared a bathroom with a woman, whether it is your girlfriend, friend, or just a roommate, you already know this. Now here is the problem, some of you think it is ok to use women’s shower products on yourself. Big Mistake!

A woman doesn’t want you smelling like her, not when you’re clean and not when you’re dirty. She wants you to smell like a man. Men and women alike are sexually aroused by smell, and just like you wouldn’t be attracted to a women smelling like a bottle of old spice, she won’t be turned on if you smell like the flower of the month. Would you use a woman’s deodorant, razor, perfume or hair product, clearly not (if you are, your problems are deeper they I can assist with!). Why then do so many men think it is ok to use a woman’s shampoo or body wash?

Bottom line guys, a woman should have about 15 different types of shower products, a man should have a maximum of 3 (and that’s pushing it!) that were MADE for MEN. I hope the next time I smell the sweet scent of a beautiful woman at a bar or on the train it isn’t you!!!

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