Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Gray is the New Black

The baby-boomer generation has seen a multitude of trends throughout the decades. Perhaps men today have created a new trend; Gray is the new black. The baby-boomer generation has not only accepted that they are entering their golden years, but they are embracing their silver locks. Men have accepted that gray hair represents experience, sophistication, education, power, and wealth, rather than frailty, and debilitation. Baby-boomers are able to embrace their post-retirement lives and expendable incomes, by staying active and traveling. Being old is no longer a burden, rather it is a period of life the baby-boomers are embracing. Looking younger is no longer a worry or concern.

Gray hair forms as a result of a gradual decrease of melanin in our hair follicles throughout our lives. As we grow older the melanin runs out and our hair turns into anything from whiskey white to silver. Not only can’t you prevent from going gray, you can’t stop the on set. Going gray can begin at any time throughout our lives and is based primarily on genetics. Even our founding fathers saw gray or white hair as a sign of authority and respect. These long white haired wigs represented a status symbol that declared them to be powerful and wealthy.

There is nothing that anyone can do to prevent the changes of Mother Nature. Men’s priorities are now set on staying fit. They want to live longer and be healthy. Some men are in denial about their age and try to prevent it from taking over. Dyes and other hair products are being used to create a younger image. Perhaps, some men dye their hair because there is so much you can’t prevent in a time of uncertainty that they want to control everything. Now people have different priorities such as living younger, not appearing younger. They are not self conscious about their looks. If they are feeling better by staying fit, they are acting younger rather than appearing younger through hair dyes.

Baby boomers have created a trend of something to look forward to as we mature. They have put a positive spin on getting older and created a different mind setting from their parents. Even men in their 20’s are accepting their first gray hairs rather than plucking or dying them as a sign of maturity. They are embracing their first taste of sophistication.

Two of the eleven men honored as People magazine’s ‘Sexier with Age’ category have gray hair. Matthew Fox and George Clooney both look better as they age. Since the ‘90s with his early career starter, Party of Five Fox, 44 says he’s “grown up a bit.” Not only has he aged gracefully, he found a way to deal with fame better. Accepting his status, he now feels more comfortable with himself. He now grows his shaggy, gray stubble look for his role as Dr. Jack Shepard on ABC’s hit Lost.

When George Clooney, 48 started his acting career, he played a handyman on The Facts of Life from 1985-86. His costar, Lisa Whelchel said that none of the characters George played back then had any attraction to him. “He has matured physically and professionally very well,” says Whelchel. Former ER costar, Julianna Marqulies says he “just gets better with age.” Clooney received the ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ award in 1997 and in 2006. Characteristics of his personality are approachable and humble while still being one of Hollywood’s leading men. He says he likes to keep things simple.

A balding and gray, Sean Connery also won the ‘Sexiest Man Alive” award in 1989. At the time, he joked, “It’ll all be downhill from here!” Harrison Ford won the award in 1998. After receiving the award he asked, “Why this sudden outpouring for geezers?” In ’99, Richard Gere won at age 50. Former costar, Jill Hennessy says that his silver locks “make women melt.” This movement of mature men being honored with the ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ award is very much alive. These men appear more stylish as they age. People have accepted these men to be tasteful, sophisticated, well groomed, and well dressed. Perhaps these are the new requirements for being sexy.

The acceptance of gray hair is only growing as we get older. Taylor Hicks, 33 won Season 5 of American Idol. Shocked that America voted for him to be the next American Idol, he told reporters after he won, “I didn’t have any idea that America would embrace gray hair as much as they have.” Alexandra Seuthe, who writes an online blog about celebrities hair styles, says, “His hair and his talents are authentic and I think that is why he won. I strongly feel that Taylor’s hair was part of his charm and individuality, and I am very happy that he kept it after rumors that he was going to dye it.”

Taylor Hicks is part of the generation of men who are prematurely graying. He has turned it into a hip idea of maturing through authenticity. It is refreshing to see something that is a fact of life accepted as beauty rather than trying to change it back to its original form of youthfulness.

Richard Gere and George Clooney’s transition over the last decade from dark to gray started the trend for people like Taylor Hicks to break through with America’s acceptance. CNN anchor, Anderson Cooper has also been responsible for this outbreak of acceptance. Like Hicks, Cooper prematurely grayed starting in his teens. He expressed to Details magazine in 2003, that he had trouble accepting his mix of gray and white hair when it became all white. Now, he welcomes his silver hair with shine, saying it holds substance in the TV news business. He wrote, “In fact, in just about any line of work being prematurely gray is an advantage.”

In the Grooming section of GQ’s article “Gray Is the New Black”, they explain how it works for leading men and newscasters and how it can work for the average male. They ask the reader what they will do when they start to go gray. Going gray earlier is better. There are two types of men: the worriers and the acceptors. The worriers look for hair coloring treatments feeling that grays will increase their youthful years. The Acceptors don’t do anything about their grays except using some pomade or gel to supply moisture to the wiry hair. Pro golfer, Corey Pavin looks much better since 1984 when he sported jet black, curly hair and a mustache. Since then, he has been going gray. He got a crew cut and shaved his mustache. Now he looks remarkably better at age 50 than he did at 25. Keeping it short is a much better look for men going gray. Former Georgia Tech basketball coach, Bobby Cremins, and Newt Gingrich all sport longer hair which tends to be more wiry as it grows. This wiry hair is due to the hair losing its pigment thus becoming drier as well.

Maintenance is another reason and advantage of not dyeing your hair. After dyeing your hair, it is another concern of how fast it grows back to slave to your roots. Especially if you are dyeing your hair in its entirety (making it appear more artificial) would require constant attention. It will continue to be a repetitive process of worrying and dyeing. Another issue involving dyeing your hair is the effect of dryness.

There are some celebrities that are old fashion and break the cycle of going gray. Wayne Newton is known for his jet black do, performing regularly in Las Vegas. Keith Hernandez, former baseball star and Walt Frazier, former basketball star are spokesmen for the hair dye product, Just For Men. They encourage men to dye their hair and use fear as an aspect of their “R-E-J-E-C-T-E-D” campaign after a man strikes out with a woman. They blame their gray hairs as a sign of being elderly and unattractive.

Just For Men uses top technology to target only the gray hair for a natural look, leaving non-gray hair alone. Its target result is to get your own, original color back. Just For Men makes it easy for men to get their original color hair back in a convenient time manner and using a combination of Vitamin E, protein, chamomile, and aloe in their formula. With these ingredients, it protects your hair while you color it, making it thicker and healthier-looking.

Some things in life are inevitable. Priorities for men of what they can change in life are living more youthful, not appearing younger. The mind set of the baby boomers are more accepting with their age because they do not feel their age. Men have created a trend that benefits their lifestyle with not worrying about their hair becoming gray. Instead of looking elderly, a man with gray hair is a sign of respect through sophistication, power, and wealth. These qualities are signs of maturity with the next generation following this trend and accepting their silver locks gracefully.

In Robert Renn’s Complete Book of Hair Coloring, published in the late ‘70s, has a very different approach to what beauty is. “Most people think that looking well is only a matter of beauty and is not a question of self-respect, assurance and confidence. To be educated in how to get this kind of confidence at home and how to make the most of what you’ve got-whether you are male or female, young or old – is what beauty is all about. People who weren’t born beautiful can learn to make themselves more exciting and more together, but beautiful people need a little help too.” Attitudes towards beauty are constantly changing. Today, I believe beauty is about self-respect, assurance, and confidence. You need to have these qualities to accept maturity and embrace your gray hair. It is no longer to be questioned if your gray hair makes you look older. It does and now men of the baby boomer generation have created a trend to be proud of their age and gracefully be admired by their children. Something to look forward to...

- Your Style Guy

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Toothpaste Does the Trick

Maintaining that silver sparkle on your watch is tough to last with wear every day. With a little toothpaste, you can clean and remove tarnish from your silver jewelry. You can restore that old watch with just a little effort. Not only will you save money by doing it yourself, but your watch will smell minty fresh too! To start, find the right toothpaste that contains baking soda. If yours has gel, whitening power, or boast tartar-control, it may be harmful to your silver. Add a bit of toothpaste to your jewelry and wet the silver with a damp cloth. Gently rub in until your watch is polished. And tada... Like New!

Toothpaste: Not just for brushing your teeth!

- Your Style Guy

Monday, March 29, 2010

Q&A: If there’s a button on the back of my collar, can I still wear a tie?

First, here’s a history lesson on the shirt. The button down collared shirt originated in the late nineteenth century. They invented it to keep polo players who wanted to keep their shirt collars from flapping in the wind. Soon after, John Brooks (Brooks Brothers’ early president) noticed the button down and started production on the shirt in 1896. Still today, the button down is considered the least dressy collared shirt because of its sports origin. Now, can you wear a tie with that extra third button in the back, keeping the collar in place? Sure, why not! Just don’t expect to button it.

- Your Style Guy

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Shopping Tip: Sunglass Hut FREE $20

There aren’t many free things out there today. So when I received a letter in the mail from Sunglass Hut, I thought what could they possibly want? The front of the card read ‘Hip Hip Hooray’ and inside, “It’s your birthday. So here’s a little something special from us. $20 OFF YOUR NEXT IN-STORE- PURCHASE.” Being that my birthday was over 3 months ago, I had thought they had forgotten about me. Yet, I didn't hold it against them. What’s great about this card is that you don’t have to spend any money in order to get $20 off your purchase. It is 100% FREE! So when I made it to the store, I got myself some great eyewear accessories. I got 2 separate visor clips for my car for easy access on and off on those sunny days. I also got an eyewear care kit package case that includes everything you’ll ever need to service your glasses. This kit includes: LIFETIME Sunglass Hut replacement cleaning cleanser bottle, microfiber cloth to clean lenses, and a handy eyeglass screw driver keychain. All this for just 20 bucks! The store even picked up my tax. There isn’t a better deal out there. Here’s how to get your free $20. Click on the link below and fill out your info. A little something from me to you to Sunglass Hut to you. Happy Birthday!

- Your Style Guy

Sunglass Hut: Stay Connected

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hello World

BY KEITH KIRSNEREverything that you wear tells a little story about yourself. Maybe it’s about the type of day you’re having or maybe it goes deeper into your life. Are you wearing sweatpants to the supermarket? What you’re telling the world, as Seinfeld puts it, is that you have given up on life so I might as well be comfortable. What story are you expressing to everyone? You’re sending a message out there. You are branding yourself to the world every day. What are you advertising? And I don’t mean that logo on your chest. I’m talking about how you come across as an individual to everyone else. These are questions you should ask yourself because every day counts. Have respect for yourself. Don’t wait for tomorrow. Start now!

- Your Style Guy

Friday, March 26, 2010

A Great Tailor Is All You Need

My great grandfather, Bartholo Galletta was an an immigrant to America, coming from Sicily. He was a tailor and from what my grandfather has told me, took great pride in his work. He understood what well fitted clothes meant to a man’s image and devoted his life’s profession to it. No one will help you get more value out of your clothes than a great tailor. If you don’t have a tailor, ask around the neighborhood and get a recommendation. Better yet, ask someone whose style you admire. They'll know where to go.

- Your Style Guy

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Go Ahead: The Barracuda Jacket

Finally, Spring has arrived! With a taste of the warmer weather around the corner, here’s the ultimate vacation jacket. The Barracuda is perfect for those cooler nights out on the golf course or at the ball game. Its updated silhouette fits comfortably all around and is casual enough to wear to the bars.

- Your Style Guy

Barracuda Jacket
Price: $79.50

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

15 Seconds: Jetsons Invasion

It looks like our boy, Elroy grew up to be a robot! Either way, at least the kid’s keeping in shape… Check out his rock hard 4 pack there! The world was clearly not ready for this futuristic apparel! Stay away… far, far away!

- Your Style Guy

Monday, March 22, 2010

Style Icon: J.F.K.

The President is the most watched man in the world. It doesn’t hurt to look good besides being the most powerful man in the USA. President John F. Kennedy knew how to work his wardrobe. Here he is on his sailboat, in Massachusetts, wearing casual tailored clothing that goes perfect with his Wayfarer sunglasses. By keeping it simple and masculine, his style reached iconic status with his youthful power at play. Kennedy was the All-American whose legacy and timeless style will live on forever.

- Your Style Guy

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Shine Those Shoes!

Women will tell you they can tell a lot about a man by what he wears on his feet. Shoes are one of the most important pieces of an outfit. From top to bottom- It really completes your whole look. You want to buy for quality in the construction of the shoe as well as color and style. Like you would clean your jeans in the wash, you need to take care of your shoes as well. Besides wear and tear, weather can really do some damage to your shoes. Hopefully the snow is gone for now, but the white, wavy salt stain line on your shoes is still not pleasing to the eye. To make your shoes last as long as they can, invest in a polish kit. Attached is a kit (on sale for $12) that has it all. It’s small and compact that’s great for the traveling business man. Each brush, along with the shine cloth has a specific purpose. This kit will save you from having to buy a new pair before the rest of your shoe is worn out. It’s amazing what some polish and little bit of time can do. Shine until you can see your face!

- Your Style Guy


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Style Doesn’t Have to Mean Expensive

Yes, it’s true. You can shop on a budget and still get nice things! It’s just a matter of where you look and knowing when and how to buy. There are alternatives to buying pricey, luxurious things. If you look hard enough, there are buys all over the place. For those who enjoy online shopping, ebay is a great way of getting unique things you can’t find in the stores, at a reasonable price too! Above is a vintage corduroy, double breasted pea coat I picked up last season shipped to me for under $25! Although I endorse shopping online, your search will only take you so far. You’re limiting the market by half by doing so. I still recommend checking out a vintage store in your area or somewhere in the city. You never know what you might come out with. You can even haggle with them for the right price. Find some truly unique and original stuff and incorporate it with some trendier items to update your look.

- Your Style Guy

Friday, March 19, 2010

J. Crew: Online Shopping Tip

Did you wait too long to purchase those clothes? If the item you are looking for is a full priced item and is no longer available in your size, call up the J. Crew catalog (1800.562.0258). They will do a nation-wide search on the item. Within a 24-48 hour range, you will have an email saying the item is being shipped FREE straight to your home or the item is no longer available. What do you have to lose? Sounds fair to me!

- Your Style Guy

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What Went Wrong: The Other Guy from ‘The Hangover’ Edition

A common mistake made by men of shorter height is trying to create length by making their torso longer. They do this by pushing their pants lower down on their waist. By doing so, however, it creates the image of shorter leg length. This actually works against you! Dress pants are not jeans and are not meant to be worn low rise. Now he could have done this subconsciously or there are two other options on the horizon. Perhaps he needed a belt to hold his pants up higher or the other strong possibility was that he may have been too lazy to redo his tie. The tie was actually close to the right place, (reaching just below the waistline) but to correctly sport the look, the shirt should have been hidden further, tucked into his pants. What it really comes down to is proportion. You must keep things in proportion. Emphasizing one part of your body too much will only down size the rest. And in case you were interested, the ‘other guy’ is Justin Bartha.

- Your Style Guy

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

On the Streets: Di Fara Pizzeria

At $5 a slice, who would think there would be a two hour wait to get a pie? In a battle to find a seat, I found myself balancing my weight on a milk carton nearby. Next to me, waiting for his own pie, was a guy with some style of his own. Everything worked in theme - from his brown boat shoes to his navy rain coat. His attention to detail was evident, yet effortless as he wore his chic, yellow rimmed frames that perfectly balanced his vintage plaid shirt. He carried himself with confidence and a satisfied grin.

There wasn’t an ounce of disappointment when they finally called my name to be served. Whole pizza pies are $25 and are worth every penny! The best slices of my life!

Di Fara Pizzeria
1424 Avenue J, Brooklyn NY 11230

- Your Style Guy

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Calvin Parent Co. Buys Tommy

Two of the biggest players of the 90’s will soon be under the same roof. Tommy Hilfiger is entertaining the idea of being bought out by Calvin Klein’s parent company, Phillips-Van Heusen. The deal has been approved by shareholders and plans to purchase Tommy Hilfiger for approximately $3 billion are under consideration. Among other clothing labels, Phillips-Van Heusen is also the parent company of Izod, DKNY, Michael Kors, and Kenneth Cole. Tommy Hilfiger will still play an active role in the preppie based clothing company as principal designer. The American designer earns more than half (65%) of their business generated from international sales. From the over-saturation of the brand in the late 90’s, it has been a long and bumpy road of getting back on sales track. Since then, they have found a new home in partnership with Macy’s since 2007.

- Your Style Guy

Monday, March 15, 2010

Go Ahead: L.L. Bean Signature

With almost 100 years of tradition, L.L. Bean has launched today (3/15/10) a new collection called L.L. Bean Signature. Inspired by L.L. Bean’s archives, the line is a modern take with updated silhouettes on their rugged, high quality apparel. Their vintage finish is highly stylish and masculine and will give J. Crew a run for its money! They are not branding you with any logos on their polos. Simply, they offer a collection that is both handsome and practical. With an updated style and authentic details, these clothes will give you a look to sport for years to come. Whether you’re watching the sun rise in your cabin next to the lake or going to the financial district to have Sunday brunch with some friends, L.L. Bean Signature is ‘Comfortable and Casual for Maine or Manhattan.’

Place an order by April 26 and receive a free $10 gift card with an L.L. Bean purchase of $50 or more on your next order.

- Your Style Guy

L.L. Bean Signature

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Eye See You

When picking out the right eye wear, you want to make sure it flatters your face correctly. Sometimes glasses look better off than on. Here’s someone who knows what’s going on. American Idol contestant, Andrew Garcia has great style and a hell of a voice. He has chosen to wear thick square frames to compliment his round shaped face. The goal is to create some angles which help balance the face and add depth to his cheek bones. Some glasses look better on people with oval, square, or heart shaped faces. Oval shaped faces have the advantage because the options are endless. There is no rule and they have the most to choose from. With square faces, you want to get frames that are oval or round. Heart shaped faces should go with rectangular frames. There are lots of frames out there. Depending on what shaped face you have, discover your options and have some fun! Good luck in your search.

- Your Style Guy

Saturday, March 13, 2010

15 Seconds: Double Trouble!

When one collar’s not working for you, grab a second. Double up before they run out! I think it would only be suiting to put two bow ties on the man, one beneath the other. The guy looks like a stiff. Actually, he looks like Lurch from the Addams Family! “You Rang?”

- Your Style Guy

Friday, March 12, 2010

I Want to be a SuperModelquin

Don’t hate. See if you can do better…

You have the chance to win a first class ticket to fame in Old Navy’s search to find America’s Next Top Modelquin. If you’ve ever wondered what you’d look like if you were a mannequin, you can now create a perfect plastic version of yourself and submit it for a chance to win $100,000 and your double in all Old Navy stores nationwide! Check it out: Lights. Camera. Plastic.

- Your Style Guy

O.N. Super Modelquin Super Search

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Ironing isn’t rocket science. Here’s how it’s done.

Materials: Steam Iron, Ironing Board, Spray Bottle, Clean Shirt

Step 1) You want to iron your shirt after washing it, just before it’s fully dried. This is because it will be easier to iron out and creases are less likely to occur once you start wearing it. Have a spray bottle nearby for difficult creases to iron out.

Step 2) Set up ironing board and fill iron with water. Plug iron into outlet and check label on the inside of the shirt to see what temperature the iron should be set to. Depending on the fabric, temperatures may vary, so start ironing with the clothes that need the coolest temperatures first. (Cotton shirts usually need a high setting.) Set iron to the correct temperature and let stand to heat up.

Step 3) Unbutton shirt including cuffs. (Iron darker shirts inside out preventing it from becoming shiny.)

Step 4) Collar: Start at the top of the shirt and work your way down. Lay the collar flat on the board and iron the outside first. Then turn the shirt around and fold the collar flat (as if you were wearing it). Iron on the fold. (For small places like the collar, it may be easiest to use only the tip of the iron.)

Step 5) Shoulder Yolk: Next, work on the shoulder yolk (It’s the part that connects the collar to the back of the shirt.) Place the shoulder yolk over the ironing board and iron from the shoulder seam to the center of the back. Turn shirt around until you’ve completed the opposite shoulder.

Step 6) Cuffs: Place the cuffs on the board. Iron the inside of the cuff and continue to the outside.

Step 7) Sleeves: Put sleeves on board and use seams as a guide to have as smooth as possible. Cuff open side first and use your hand as you glide iron to shoulder. Flip it and do it again on the other side. Repeat on other sleeve.

Step 8) Front: Place one of the front panels on the ironing board. (Iron any pockets on the shirt first.) Make sure you go all the way into the seams and iron slowly to get out wrinkles. When you finish one side, do the other. Make sure you don’t forget to iron the area between the buttons.

Step 9) Back: Open up the shirt fully and work on the back into three sections and iron. Turn iron off and let it cool down.

Step 10) You’re done. Now that wasn’t too bad, was it? Robert Downing Jr. would be proud… Now repeat after me, “I AM IRON MAN!”

**Time Saving Tip: If you're running late for that big board meeting you have today and know for sure you’ll be wearing a suit jacket on AT ALL TIMES, iron only the front of the shirt, collar, and cuffs. Don’t stress about the back or sleeves.

Hear the anthem once more: Iron Man - Black Sabbath

- Your Style Guy

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hygiene: The Effortless Look Takes Some Effort!

Clothes and accessories don’t only make the man. It’s not easy to achieve that ‘just woke up’ look. It’s the look that doesn’t require a comb, but some very skilled handwork. And of course the right product makes all difference. The right product depends on what kind of hair you have. It does of course help to have a thick head of hair, like Robert Patterson (GQ labeled him, ‘The Best Head of Hair on the Planet.’) Now to achieve the ‘look’, there is no easy way to explain this without being there. Take a small amount of your product on one of your fingers. Spread product vigorously between your fingers and hands. Then apply product to towel-dried, damp hair from the back and work your way to the front. Style hair. God speed. (Yes, that’s it.)

- Your Style Guy

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Shopping for Geeks

Macy’s has introduced a new mix & match shopping tool called, Fashion Director. You can create your own outfits and even add ‘fun items’ (such as a picture of beer & nuts) to make your frame more personal. They are attempting to make repetitive website traffic by having daily contests and voting for the best one with the prize of a $500 gift card. They are hoping that you'll buy the items after attempting to make shopping more interactive and fun for the average fellow. Yesterday’s challenge theme was to build an outfit you would “go on a blind date” with. Today’s challenge: “You’re about to meet your future In-Laws. What will you wear?” Whatever tomorrow’s episode challenge will bring… only time will tell.
- Your Style Guy

Macy's Fashion Director

Monday, March 8, 2010

A Tux Worthy of the Oscars

BY KEITH KIRSNERIt was all about the bow tie last night! When invited to an event with such class and tradition such as the Oscars, it is only in your best interest to show up in sophistication and style. Men wear traditional neck ties all year round. This is your moment to shine and if you're wearing a tuxedo, you should be wearing a bow tie. Tom Ford looked the best last night. He also dressed hosts Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin. Ford was at the Oscars in his directorial debut for “A Single Man.” All these men did it right though. (The picture of Brad Pitt was not from last night, but just another strong example of how to rock a tux.) Another noticeable trend was skinny pants. For those not attending the Oscars in your lifespan, here's one rule when tying the knot: Bow tie all the way!

- Your Style Guy

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Go Ahead: AEO Plaid Shirt

American Eagle Outfitters has nailed it! This shirt is perfect for an outdoor day like today. Wear it on the weekends with a pair of khakis or what they suggest, “just add jeans.” Throw on a t-shirt and roll up the sleeves. You’re ready to go.

- Your Style Guy

American Eagle Outfitters
Eagle Plaid Shirt
Price: $39.50

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cuff Links: What Do They Say About You?

When buying a French cuffed shirt, you are buying into a look that you can have some fun with. Cuff links add an extra layer of spice into your outfit. I have two words of advice for those who are looking: Get creative! Get some cuff links that convey your personality. I encourage everyone to explore your options. Check out these Superman Stamp Cuff links I found on ebay! They could be the start of a conversation piece. Good luck in your search. Make it your own!

- Your Style Guy

Friday, March 5, 2010

Q&A: Can I pop my collar?

Actually, the reason for the collar on a polo shirt is for when you are playing outdoor sports such as tennis or golf. When the sun is beating down on you, you have protection on your neck. So unless you can’t handle the sun’s rays, keep it flat and let it rest on your neck and shoulders. Also, a recurring trend that needs to be put to rest are some guys doubling up and layering their polos together. So unless you want to look like this guy, wear only one polo at a time.

- Your Style Guy

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Denim Jacket

A staple in every man’s wardrobe. Layer it up or wear it on its own. Try it under a pea coat or under some leather. You don’t have to wait for Spring to wear it. Its rugged appeal makes you the all American boy. Here’s one that will keep you warm for the early months of March into April. Lined with soft and warm fleece, it’s a twist of the collar that updates this classic piece.

- Your Style Guy

Levis Sherpa Trucker Jacket - Rinsed Indigo
Style #70520
Price: $88.00

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Mustache Epidemic

In case you haven’t noticed folks, it’s Mustache Mania out there!
Your pops had one, your grandpa rocked one too… Now you want one! There isn't anything more manly than growing your own mustache. I remember back in the day when I’d take the mustache piece from my Mr. Potato Head and put it up against my face. Now it seems like that’s the latest trend and has become a minor phenomenon. From bandaids to bandanas, crayons to totes, tees to dinnerware, the ‘stashe is out there! Update your apartment with an edgy mustache décor above your favorite chair. Get your pets into the action. It even seems to have taken over our cute little furry friends too. Mustache tattoos, known as the ‘fingerstache’ are blowing up as well! The idea of a ‘stache has now become cool and fun. Above is a collage of pictures where you can see the 'stache in the act, including my personal favorite: Mustache on a stick. There’s no denying mustaches have become the latest accessory so have fun out there my fellow Mustachios!

Also enjoy the latest ‘ULTIMATE MUSTACHE FIGHTER’ on Late Night. The Main Event: 70's Burt Reynolds V. 80's Tom Selleck

- Your Style Guy

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Team Remix

If you ever wished that your teams’ colors could be different, I have the solution to your problem. Introducing ecapcity! Ecapcity specializes in custom caps. They have an account with New Era where they can create their own hats just for their store and sell them off. The perfect answer to still keeping your teams’ pride with different colors. Here’s an example of a Mets fitted cap with Yankee colors.

- Your Style Guy

Price: $35.00
Buy 3 or more 'Fitted' caps and get free shipping!

Monday, March 1, 2010

15 Seconds: Anything But This

When your cardigan purposely looks like this when you buy it, I have only one bit of advice for you: Don’t. I think that confused, angry look on his face says it all. “Why am I wearing this!?” If a sweater had a disease, this is what it’d look like. It looks like the fibers are trying to escape from the sweater because it’s so ugly. Or perhaps it got caught on something sharp and was pulled away several times until it achieved that effect. Unfortunately, the designer will simply be remained anonymous because I do not know who made it. However, if you do see this garment at the Salvation Army or in a trash can, please let me know. Thank you and have a nice day!

- Your Style Guy